jade, precious stone
Meaning Mnemonic
The king (王) likes white dots (丶) in his jade (玉).
Reading Mnemonic
You (yù) would think that the king would prefer pure jade.
Meaning Mnemonic
The king (王) loves square (方) shaped jade, and insists that every bolt of cloth (疋) has this tied on top.
Reading Mnemonic
You shan't (xuán) have jade accessories in any other shape or else he will get really mad.
green jade, bluish-green
Meaning Mnemonic
Could you put some feathers (羽) on my green jade lid (亠)? That man (人) told me that if I put ten (十) feathers on the lid, it'll bring me good luck.
Reading Mnemonic
Put the leftover feathers on this green jade tray (cuì) as well.
a jewel, a treasure, precious
Meaning Mnemonic
I just need a roof (宀) over my head to be happy, I don't need jade (玉) or any type of jewels from you.
Reading Mnemonic
But I do need a gentleman who bows (bǎo) to me and opens the door for me every single day.
country, kingdom, nation
Meaning Mnemonic
The Jade (玉) Emperor opened his mouth (口) in a rare occasion to announce to his country.
Reading Mnemonic
The Jade Emperror announced that it's important to keep the status quo (guó) and maintain stability of the kingdom rather than change.
innocent, guileless, not guilty (of crime)
Meaning Mnemonic
He is innocent. Look into his eyes and you can tell that he's committed no (无) sins (罪) in his life.
wú zuì
Reading Mnemonic
I wouldn't (wú) be so sure. The jade (zuì) ring he has on looks stolen.
corn, maize
Meaning Mnemonic
I love jade (玉) jewelry that is in the shape of corn or rice (米).
yù mǐ
Reading Mnemonic
You (yù) have no idea what these mean (mǐ) to me.
exhaust, absolutely, terminate
Meaning Mnemonic
I don't like the color (色) of this silk (纟) scarf, maybe the designer exhausted his talents?
Reading Mnemonic
You don't like the color jade (jué)? That's one of the most elegant colors!
leave, remain, keep
Meaning Mnemonic
Leave this seal (卩) out in the field (田), it's part of the treasure hunt I designed.
Reading Mnemonic
Is this really (li) authentic (ú) jade? Because if it is, it might get stolen.
lane, to do, to mock, to play with
Meaning Mnemonic
If you want to go through this lane, you need to give me a piece of jade (玉) with your two hands (廾).
Reading Mnemonic
That is nonsense (nòng), this is a highway, not some private lane!

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