New at Pandanese: The Synonym Feature
Gone are the days when the Chinese language was hardly spoken outside of countries that called it their mother tongue. Today, Chinese has become one of the most spoken languages in the world, second only to English, with nearly 200 million second-language speakers.
People learn Chinese for different reasons. For language-lovers, it could be because they want to be exposed to one of the oldest existing languages. For those who are interested in culture, it could be because they’re tempted by the mysterious and interesting Chinese culture and traditions. There are also people looking for career opportunities because China is an economic superpower. How about you? What’s your inspiration to learn Chinese?
Regardless of what your motivation is, it is definitely not an easy language to “crack”. But don’t sweat it! Pandanese is here for you.
At Pandanese, we employ a spaced repetition system and mnemonics flashcards to help Chinese learners like you get the most out of your learning. Your Chinese learning journey couldn’t get any easier! Or could it?
You asked – we listened! Introducing the long-awaited and highly-anticipated add-on: the “Synonym Feature”.
Keep reading below to find out more about this useful feature, including how it works and why it’s going to be a game-changer for your Chinese language learning!
What is the Chinese Synonyms Feature?
When it comes to learning vocabulary with mnemonic devices, we understand that a mnemonic can work well for one person, but be ineffective for another. In other words, everyone has their own individual logic behind their mnemonics. Let your voice be heard!
The Synonym Feature allows you to add personalized definitions to words or characters that resonate best with you rather than using our default definitions. You know it; you name it!
The new Synonym Feature puts you in the drivers seat as you navigate your language learning journey. Pandanese’s names and mnemonics are intended to be suggestions. You don’t need to rely on someone else’s explanation! Let your creativity and personal experience take the lead.
Why is this new Chinese Synonym Feature good for you?
Here’s what the new Synonym Feature can bring to the table.
It saves you time. Have you ever struggled with remembering a word or mnemonic just because the explanation didn’t make sense or resonate with you? Now, with the Synonym Feature, you can make your own definition of a word or mnemonic so you can remember it easier. No more time-wasting!
It allows you to write your personalized definition in any language. You can use whatever language you like to fill in your custom definition. There is no language limitation. Go with the language you have the most confidence in or feel most comfortable with!
You might also be interested in:
- How To Learn Chinese Vocabulary Fast For Beginners (5 Popular Methods)
- The Best Tips to Learn Chinese Characters Quickly
- A New Method To Significantly Improve Your Study: Interleaving Study Method
How does the Chinese Synonym Feature work?
There’s nothing complex about it. The process for adding a synonym consists of 3 steps.
- First, choose the character, radical, or word you would like to add a synonym to. Next to the image of any character or radical, you’ll find the default name and mnemonic.
- Second, click “Add to Card” at the bottom left of your screen to set your custom definition. Once you hit the button, a small box will pop up below the default description of the name or mnemonic. Write down your personalized definition.
- The last step is to save your work. Press the purple button “Save Changes” at the bottom left to make sure your work has been saved.
Check out the GIF below for a visual walkthrough of the Synonym Feature.
A side note for the Chinese Synonym Feature
Depending on when you view a character or word and add the synonym, the synonym could take some time to appear.
- If custom personalized definitions and explanations are added during the review session (normal review sessions and review sessions right after learning), the changes will be available during the next review session.
- If the custom answers and explanations are added during your learning session, they will immediately take effect.
Pandanese – The easiest way to learn Chinese and build vocabulary
Because Chinese is a difficult language, your learning journey will require a great deal of time and dedication. There is no shortcut to mastering this hard language. However, with the aid of technology and learning techniques, such as mnemonics and Spaced Repetition System (SRS), you may be able to achieve your goal ahead of time.
If you need a tool to help you through your learning journey and provide metrics to calculate your progress, check out Pandanese. Pandanese employs mnemonics and Spaced Repetition System (SRS) to help learners acquire more than 6,000 Hanzi in a single year. Start your trial with Pandanese now!
The easiest way to learn Chinese & build vocabulary