Good Luck in Chinese: Fortune-Filled Expressions To Use
Whether you aim to impress native Chinese speakers, write a greeting card, or want to sprinkle some extra luck on all your wishes, you've come to the right place.
In this guide, we'll explore the magical realm of saying "good luck" in Chinese and discover a treasure trove of phrases that will have you spreading good vibes in no time.
Standard translation of good luck in Chinese
When it comes to expressing good wishes and summoning instant success, the Chinese language has some fantastic phrases up its sleeve.
Here are a couple of general phrases for good luck in Chinese.
Keep it up: 加油 (jiā yóu)
This classic phrase is a go-to for expressing general good luck wishes and hoping you will be okay.
It literally means "add oil." This phrase is like a verbal fuel injection, urging someone to keep pushing forward with determination and resilience.
Wishing you good luck: 祝你好运 (zhù nǐ hǎo yùn)
Now, here's another classic way to express good wishes in Chinese.
There are also two phrases that encompass the same meaning:
"祝你顺利!" (zhù nǐ shùn lì!)
"祝你一帆风顺!" (zhù nǐ yī fān fēng shùn!)
Both can be translated as "Wishing you smooth sailing throughout!," "safe journeys,” or “bon voyage.”
Wishing for good health in Chinese
In Chinese culture, good health is considered one of life's greatest treasures. Either said by many children to their parents/grandparents or vice versa, here are a few phrases that will have them feeling like a picture of vitality.
May your body be healthy and strong: 祝你身体健康 (zhù nǐ shēn tǐ jiàn kāng)
This warm wish genuinely expresses hope for someone's physical well-being.
By saying this phrase, you wish them a healthy and strong body, free from illness and full of energy.
May you live a long and healthy life: 祝你长命百岁 (zhù nǐ cháng mìng bǎi suì)
By uttering this phrase, you're essentially saying, "May you have a long life of a hundred years!"
It's a heartfelt way to express your desire for someone to live a fulfilling and healthy life for many years.
Good fortune, safety, and health: 祝你福寿安康 (zhù nǐ fú shòu ān kāng)
This phrase combines the trifecta of blessings: fortune, safety, and health. When you say this phrase, you're conveying your wishes for the person to have good luck, a life free from harm, and lasting well-being.
You can also add "家庭幸福" (jiā tíng xìng fú) at the end, to convey your wishes for the person's luck, safety, health, and happy family.
Good luck in Chinese for academic success
For students and lifelong learners alike, achieving academic success is often a top priority.
These phrases will be useful when you want to motivate someone to excel in their studies.
Well-wishes for academic success: 祝你学业成功 (zhù nǐ xué yè chéng gōng)
With the phrase "祝你学业成功," you're essentially saying, "wishing you success in your studies."
It's a straightforward and sincere way to show your support and belief in their abilities.
May you succeed in your studies: 祝你学业有成 (zhù nǐ xué yè yǒu chéng)
This phrase is your secret weapon if you want to take it up a notch and convey a deeper wish for accomplishment.
By saying "祝你学业有成," you're expressing your hopes for someone's studies to be fruitful and successful.
May you pass the examination: 祝你金榜题名 (zhù nǐ jīn bǎng tí míng)
This phrase means "May you be listed on the gold plaque," symbolizing exceptional performance and success in the examination.
It's like giving them a confidence boost right before the big day!
Good luck in Chinese for Wealth and prosperity

Ah, wealth and prosperity—the dream duo everyone hopes to dance to within the ballroom of life! Now, let's talk about how to wish someone a financial fortune in Chinese.
May your wealth multiply: 祝你财源广进 (zhù nǐ cái yuán guǎng jìn)
This phrase literally means: "wishing your wealth sources to be wide and your progress never-ending."
This expression is a powerful blessing in daily life, wishing someone exponential growth in their financial resources.
Wishing you smooth financial luck: 祝你财运亨通 (zhù nǐ cái yùn hēng tōng)
This phrase encapsulates the essence of wishing someone a hassle-free journey toward financial success.
A steady stream of wealth: 祝你财源滚滚 (zhù nǐ cái yuán gǔn gǔn)
Imagine your wealth pouring in like an unstoppable waterfall. "祝你财源滚滚" captures the essence of a constant flow of prosperity.
Bonus: 寿比南山,福如东海 (shòu bǐ nán shān, fú rú dōng hǎi)
Poetically translated as “May you live as long as the Southern Mountain and have fortune as boundless as the eastern sea,” this expression is used to wish someone a long and happy life filled with fortune.
Good luck in Chinese for job and career success
These phrases are for wishing luck and success for those working or pursuing a career.
Wishing you a successful career: 祝你事业顺利 (zhù nǐ shì yè shùn lì)
Let's kickstart your career success with this gem of a phrase: "祝你事业顺利."
It's like having a personal cheerleader in your corner, rooting for your triumphs and guiding you towards a smooth-sailing professional journey.
Well-wishes for job success: 祝你工作成功 (zhù nǐ gōng zuò chéng gōng)
If you want to focus specifically on their current job or a specific passion project, "zhù nǐ gōng zuò chéng gōng" is the phrase to use.
It's a powerful way to motivate and inspire someone to excel in their work.
Prosperous work endeavors: 祝你工作顺利 (zhù nǐ gōng zuò shùn lì)
When you want the common expression to encompass the broader spectrum of their daily work life and wish them smooth sailing overall, "zhù nǐ gōng zuò shùn lì" comes to the rescue.
The Chinese pinyin translates to "wishing you prosperous work endeavors," signifying your hope for success, productivity, and fulfillment in their professional pursuits.
Summary: All ways to say good luck in Chinese
No. |
Chinese Hanzi |
Pinyin |
English meaning |
1 |
加油 |
jiā yóu |
Keep it up |
2 |
祝你好运 |
zhù nǐ hǎo yùn |
Wishing you good luck |
3 |
祝你身体健康 |
zhù nǐ shēn tǐ jiàn kāng |
May your body be healthy and strong |
4 |
祝你长命百岁 |
zhù nǐ cháng mìng bǎi suì |
May you live a long and healthy life |
5 |
祝你福寿安康 |
zhù nǐ fú shòu ān kāng |
Good fortune, safety, and health |
6 |
祝你学业成功 |
zhù nǐ xué yè chéng gōng |
Well-wishes for academic success |
7 |
祝你学业有成 |
zhù nǐ xué yè yǒu chéng |
May you succeed in your studies |
8 |
祝你金榜题名 |
zhù nǐ jīn bǎng tí míng |
May you pass the examination |
9 |
祝你财源广进 |
zhù nǐ cái yuán guǎng jìn |
May your wealth multiply |
10 |
祝你财运亨通 |
zhù nǐ cái yùn hēng tōng |
Wishing you smooth financial luck |
11 |
祝你财源滚滚 |
zhù nǐ cái yuán gǔn gǔn |
A steady stream of wealth |
12 |
寿比南山,福如东海 |
shòu bǐ nán shān, fú rú dōng hǎi |
May you live as long as the Southern Mountain and have fortune as boundless as the eastern sea |
13 |
祝你事业顺利 |
zhù nǐ shì yè shùn lì |
Wishing you a successful career |
14 |
祝你工作成功 |
zhù nǐ gōng zuò chéng gōng |
Well-wishes for job success |
15 |
祝你工作顺利 |
zhù nǐ gōng zuò shùn lì |
Prosperous Work Endeavors |
Additionally, if you want to hear how to pronounce some common phrases to say good luck in Chinese, check out this video:
14 Ways to Say Good Luck in Chinese—Pronunciation, ChineseFor.UsFrequently asked questions
How do you wish someone luck in Chinese?
The two most common ways to wish someone luck in Chinese is 加油 (jiā yóu) and 祝你好运 (zhù nǐ hǎo yùn). They both can be translated as “keep it up” or “wishing you good luck.”
What is the Chinese word for good fortune?
The Chinese character for fortune is 福, fu. 福 can also represent happiness, blessing, and good fortune. This character is seen as decorations on doors and windows during Chinese New Year to greet the upcoming new year.
Wrapping up: soak in the Chinese culture of good luck
As we conclude our journey through the world of good luck expressions in Chinese, we hope you've gained valuable insights into the art of well-wishing. Armed with these tips and common expressions, you can genuinely wish someone good luck in their endeavors with a touch of Chinese flair.
So, whether you're cheering on a friend's job interview, sending good vibes for their health and happiness, or hoping for prosperity in their ventures, don't hesitate to use these phrases. Let the warmth of your heart and the sincerity of your well-wishes shine through, transcending language barriers and positively impacting those around you.
Now, with knowledge of these common expressions, spread good luck in Chinese. If you are curious, check out the Chinese New Year greetings.
May fortune smile upon you as you wish someone good luck!
Jing You is a Chinese native who grew up in the Fujian province and soaked in the Chinese culture while living with her grandparents. She later moved to Singapore to pursue further education. However, she has always been passionate about the Mandarin language despite being in an environment that speaks English predominantly. She was involved in multiple Mandarin and Chinese culture programmes in schools, and brought this passion forward by tutoring elementary school students Mandarin in her adulthood.
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